I know I’ve said it before, but it really can’t  be overstated:  
Successful people don’t wait until everything is perfect. They know that their product, service, or teaching will NEVER be perfect, so they course-correct as they go along.  When they’ve got a good idea, they RUN with it.  

That’s not to say that they don’t prepare and strive to put together an excellent product.  Everyone wants to be proud of their offering.  But time and again I see clients hovering, tweaking, adjusting, and re-writing, and when I ask them when their launch date is… they don’t have one.   
Do you know that one of the most successful teachers I know launched his online course before it was written?   He had NO IDEA what the class would consist of.  Okay, that’s not exactly fair.  He had an idea.  Sort of an outline. But the truth is that he didn’t really know what his STUDENTS wanted to know.  He only knew what thought they SHOULD know.  So he launched the class promising to teach them everything they wanted to know, wrote a draft of what he thought he would cover over 26 weeks, and then he wrote an outline for the first module of the course.  After that he learned how to set up a webinar, created a dozen or so graphics to show his visual learners what he was talking about, tested the webinar with a handful of friends to make sure that it ran smoothly, and used the first class module to offer real VALUE to his webinar attendees.   The entire process took less than a week.  He worked at his regular job while he created it.  

In other words, all he had was the 1st part of a 26-part course.  And an overview of the topics he’d cover in the remaining in 25.  And some graphics to really teach the principles of the first class, and give a taste of just how deep and wide his expertise really is.  He essentially gave away the first class and ALL of the principles he uses to create his products AT NO COST.  He had exactly 8 attendees for his first webinar.  It was a dismal failure. Except… 

He sold one 26-week course for $1,000 (which was actually quite a bargain!) and invested most of that money in advertising the next webinar.  And he started teaching his student.  He literally made it up as he went along.  

Because his one student had LOTS of questions, he gained valuable insights into how to teach the next group of students, adjust the course for real beginners, and refine his next webinar to allay the fears of newbies.  He sold 6 courses in the next webinar because he LEARNED from the first webinar, the first class, and the first student. Subsequent webinars and classes continued to improve as result of DOING THEM.  

The truth is that your product WILL change and grow as you learn and grow.  If it doesn’t, then you might as well just phone it in and not care about your quality or your reputation.  You aren’t going to be in business for long anyway.  

If you’re not growing, you’re dying.  

If you never get your product out in front of the public, you’re not growing.  

Do you have a business you’d like to start, and don’t know how to get off the ground?  THRIVE! Strategic Growth Training Programs can show YOU how to get your product launch off the ground, start selling, and really building the life of YOUR dreams.  What are you waiting for?  

Call today for your FREE consultation!  







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