The secret to success is simply to take action EVERY DAY.

Do you want to know why people get “stuck”? They think it has to be a BIG action. It doesn’t. It just has to be an action. One thing. 

Those small, daily actions turn into massive payoffs over time.

Here’s a list of actions that MANY people struggle to take: 

Talk to one person who can help you every day.
Get to bed at the same time every night. 
Read 5 minutes of inspirational material every day.
Notice your posture and correct it 5x a day. 
Leave a one-sentence “love note” for your partner every day.
Write one strength that you possess every day. 

If a gallon of water a day is too hard, make it a PINT.  
Write a blog post every day, even if it’s just 10 sentences. 
Write down 3 wonderful things that you noticed every day.  
Take 5 minutes to just notice your breathing, 3x a day.  
Take a 15 minute walk after dinner every evening.  
Add one fruit or vegetable to your diet every day.  
Do one unnecessary and thoughtful thing for your partner every day.  

Now, obviously you don’t need to do ALL of these things.   Depending on your goals, some will be more useful than others.  But you CAN select just ONE thing and do it every day, whether you feel like it or not.  ESPECIALLY if you don’t feel like it.  The things we resist doing are usually the things we really NEED to do.  That’s because we don’t do them enough (or ever) and we’ve developed a powerful HABIT of not doing them.  So remember that behaviors and thoughts are just habits, nothing more.  

Habits can be altered.  

Very few people can successfully change ALL of their bad habits (even just the ones they are aware of) at once.  It simply takes too much energy.  But just one?  Anyone can change just one thing.  And that one thing,  firmly entrenched as a daily habit, will start a tidal wave of success.  
Think about it.  One tiny tremor along a fault line is not a big deal.  But a constant, ongoing tremor builds some pretty massive shift over time, eventually culminating in a major tremor.  A massive tidal wave.  

So, if you want a tsunami of abundant good health, financial gain, or relationship success, begin with just ONE small change.  






One response to “Take ACTION”

  1. Raimi Avatar

    Great suggestions. I know I can do some of these!

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