“Some people tell us the motivation doesn’t last. Neither does bathing, that’s why we recommend it daily.”
Zig Ziglar
There’s actually an easy way to maintain your motivation, and to keep it active your whole life long. Just as the opening bars of a favorite song can evoke feelings of romance or nostalgia, anchors to motivation, success, optimism, and a host of positive resource states can be instantly available to you.
The truth is that our neurology is set up to recognize and respond to any cue, internal or external, to environmental conditions. Oftentimes, we are inadvertently anchored to feeling overwhelmed at the sight of an overflowing inbox. We don’t necessarily recognize that we’ve shifted into an unresourceful state. We just learn to avoid that mess. So the first step in the process is to identify the times and places when we’re “triggered” to feel discouraged.
The next step is to install an anchor to every positive resource state. Truthfully, this is best done by an experienced professional. The reason for that is that there are subtle cues to the timing that are easily observed by a partner. A professional will also know whether to simply install a new anchor or take the additional steps of collapsing an old anchor or chaining a series of anchors to the preferred state. In any case, it’s a simple fix. All we are doing is installing a powerful new conditioned response.
We do that by stacking a host of positive resource states onto ONE anchor – say an earlobe. Carol Burnett was famously anchored to grabbing her earlobe when stressed, and she always smiled and leapt right over her stage fright when firing that anchor. All the negative messages she internalized as a child just evaporated. She instantly moved into a powerful sense of presence and spontaneity that allowed her to connect with her audience in a very personal way. She loved every second of it and it showed. You can do the same.
In a matter of minutes, we can install, test, and teach you how to use and maintain that anchor for life! Wouldn’t it be great to have that sense of accomplishment, competence, pride, joy, excitement, anticipation, and success literally at your fingertips?
Wouldn’t it be GREAT to start every day with a slam dunk? Hypnosis Frederick can show you how.
for your
We can help YOU can take back control!
(240) 415-1200
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