The Value of Forgiveness

Forgiveness is not something you do for someone else. It’s how you release yourself from the energy of your own unwelcome emotions. 

Oftentimes, we manage anger, hurt, fear, and resentment by shunting it off to the side.  We put it in the “Later” file and promise ourselves we’ll just “get over it” and “move on.”  It seems reasonable enough.  Once we’ve decided that there’s nothing we can do about a situation we didn’t create, or the bad behavior of another person, or whatever it is that we’re upset about, we just resolve to put it out of our minds.  

But where does it go?  

Most of the time, it starts showing up as an unwanted behavior that we can’t seem to stop engaging in.  If that’s not enough to make us stop and pay attention to where that behavior is really coming from and what it signals, it will find a seat in the body where it emerges as a physical disturbance.  

The hardest thing you will ever do is accept an apology that you never received. But it is the ONE thing that can release you from pain that has not yet manifested in your body.

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