Hypnosis for smoking cessation is easily THE most cost-effective choice you can make, AND IT WORKS! Why? Because each smoker has a REASON for smoking, and there is always a positive intention behind the behavior. Getting to the subconscious reason for the behavior allows us to literally reprogram the conscious choices that you make.
Neuroscience has shown us how to quickly reprogram the WAY you experience cravings and triggers to effectively NEUTRALIZE them in 10 minutes or less. Step Two is a session of DEEP hypnosis that inserts NEW behaviors, exploits the old triggers with a relaxation response, and restructures patterned responses at the SUBCONSCIOUS level so that you NEVER have to struggle to make that new choice. And it all happens in ONE session. Done! Finis! The end. You’ll walk out the door a non-smoker, just as if you had never started.
As a bonus, you get a selection of self-hypnosis inductions that you can use to JUST RELAX. They range in length from a rapid induction of 10 minutes for those times when you just want a quick pick-me-up, to a 35 minute deep trance relaxation, and they’re all designed to remind you to RELAX. You use them as often (or as little) as you want, but I promise you that the more you use them, the more you’ll see results in EVERY area of your life. Why do I give them away? Because I want EVERYONE to have these tools, whether they think they need them or not.
So the only side effect is a wonderfully relaxed, SMOKE-FREE you!
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